Information and Advice for our community

As we go through another national lockdown, we wanted to make sure you were aware of where to get the most up to date advice and support.
Below are some links and contact details that we hope you find helpful.
This virus sadly isn't just going to go away quickly despite the hope a
vaccine has brought us.
But as difficult as it is, we will get through this by working together as a community.
Throughout this new lockdown we will continue to do what we can to help.
You can find our contact details at the bottom of this leaflet.
You can also sign up to our email
Useful contact details for advice and information:
The Marlow and South Bucks team is here to help our local community.
For the latest Government and NHS advice go to:
For the latest advice and information from Buckinghamshire Council call 0300 131 6000 or go to:
Other Useful Links and Numbers:
PPE Requests:
Helping Hand Food Vouchers: or phone 01296 531151
Bucks Adviceline: 0344 245 1289 Youth Concern : 01296 431183 Connection Support: 01296 484322
Universal Credit Help to Claim Line: 0800 144 8 444 Burnham Health Promotion Trust 01628 661441
Struggling with getting food, medicine & support, call Buckinghamshire Council 01296395000 or MIND: 0300 123 3393
Financial Support: call 01494412227 in Marlow or 01895837515 in South Bucks
Citizens Advice Bureau Call: 0844 826 9713 in South Bucks or 0344 499 4108 in Marlow