Anna Crabtree
Meet Anna Crabtree
Anna lives in Little Marlow where she is a parish councillor. After studying economics and qualifying as a chartered accountant, she worked in audit and financial planning in Bristol, London and New York.
Since leaving professional practice, Anna has devoted time to helping her local community. As well as serving on her Parish Council, she sits on the Council of Buckinghamshire New University and has been a local school governor. These roles have shown Anna first-hand the difficulties our education system is facing, whilst also demonstrating the positive impact and change public service can bring.
Anna is deeply concerned about the environment and how climate change will impact individuals across the region. As a parish councillor and Community Board representative, she has seen the issues affecting our society and steps we can take to improve people's lives and safeguard our future. You can follow Anna on Twitter here.

The UK is facing multiple, daunting challenges right now, however, I believe we have the skills to overcome these. If elected, I will work tirelessly towards building a greener and fairer society, where individuals and local businesses are properly supported and our children and grandchildren will have the opportunity to thrive.
Anna Crabtree
Help Anna and the Lib Dems win in South Bucks
Beaconsfield deserves so much better than the current Conservatives. The Lib Dems are best placed to kick the Conservatives out but we needs YOUR help to do it. Will you volunteer to help?